Blogging Tips: What I Know Now by Nina Badzin

Through my subscription to Daily Post, provided by WordPress, I read Nina’s article/post and found it very interesting and helpful.  Being a new Blogger, I’m anxious to learn as much as I can to improve my Blog and appreciate information from others who have been Blogging for a while.  Nina’s article is a great resource to learn from other’s experiences.  I look forward to incorporating her comments about responding to comments made by others via email.

I also enjoyed and learned from reading comments from her readers and encourage you to browse through as many as you can.  Be sure to comment on her Post as well as on this Post!

Here’s an excerpt and a link to Nina’s Post:

WHAT I THOUGHT ABOUT THE BLOG’S NAME: I needed a cute or catchy one.

What I know now: You don’t. My first name was “A Mom in the Middle.” For writers, I advise using your real name or your pen name. So while the name “Nina Badzin’s Blog” does not smack of creativity, it describes the blog. ME.

WHAT I THOUGHT ABOUT AUDIENCE: Family and friends would read my blog.

What I know now: They mostly don’t, not even my husband who gets a mention in nearly every post. But I’m 100% okay with that. In my first few weeks of blogging, I desperately sent links to my family and friends, begging them to “like” posts on Facebook and all the other nonsense that makes people curse you. I’m extremely grateful to any of my friends and family members who read the blog, but I do not expect it at all. The majority of my traffic come from other bloggers, Twitter friends, writers and even Google. Also, something for newbies to consider: I think I got decent traffic rather quickly because I was on Twitter for about nine months before I started a blog. In fact, my first post ever was about cheating on Twitter with WordPress.

Read the entire post at Blogging Tips: What I Know Now – Nina Badzin’s Blog.


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2 Comments on “Blogging Tips: What I Know Now by Nina Badzin”

  1. Nina Badzin Says:

    So glad the tips helped! Thanks so much for linking to the post. And another tip . . . when you link to another post as you’re writing YOUR post, you always want to click the little box that says “open in a new window” so people don’t leave your blog. The linked post then shows up in a new window rather than taking over the window where they were viewing your blog.

    • Thanks for the reminder! I know to click the box to have link open in new window, and when I see the option, I always check it – however, I don’t always remember to LOOK for that box, and I obviously didn’t see the option when I attached your link to my Blog. I’ll go back in and try to fix it – thanks!!

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